Contact John Flynn

John L. Flynn

Speaking Engagements and Readings

John L. Flynn, Ph.D. is available for speaking engagements and readings, and enjoys meeting with civic groups, community clubs, religious and political organizations, teachers, students and educational leaders. He prefers to speak on the following topics, but has been known to make exceptions:

Dr. Flynn charges a nominal fee (mostly for travel, lodging and food expenses) for all speaking and fund-raising engagements. To inquire about booking John for a speaking engagement or a reading for your group, please contact him through his email or his literary agent's email.

Science Fiction and Comic Conventions

John L. Flynn, Ph.D. attended his first science fiction convention in 1972, when he was just 18 years-old, and found a home among his fellow writers, artists, and creative fans. He has been a guest or attending professional at dozens of local, regional, and worldcons throughout the United States, Canada, and Great Britain, 1972-2023. As of 2024, he remains active in several conventions throughout the year, including The San Diego Comic Con in San Diego, DragonCon in Atlanta, and MegaCon in Orlando. Please consult John's schedule to see where he will be throughout the year. John enjoys participating in panel discussions (with other writers), reading from his work, meeting his fans and discussing his latest books. Dr. Flynn tries to be available throughout the convention to sign autographs and take photos. Since John is a fan of cosplay as well, he appears often in costume, and likes being asked by convention officials to judge their cosplay competition. For con committees looking to book John as a guest or attending professional at their science fiction and/or comic book convention, Dr. Flynn waves his normal fees; however, he does require a membership in the convention and scheduling time on panel discussions, readings and/or autographing sessions. All personal appearances are booked through his email or his literary agent's email.

Official Publicity Photo

For Press usage only

The Press are encouraged to download John's official, full sized high-resolution author photo for publicity purposes only.

Book Signings

John L. Flynn, Ph.D. loves to spend time in bookstores and libraries; in fact, his main website photo was taken at the Trinity College Library in Dublin, Ireland, where Harry Potter and his friends met in the Long Room. As a writer and academic, John always feels inspired by all the books around him. He is especially keen on doing signings and readings at bookstores and libraries. To inquire about booking John for a book signing, please contact him through his email or his literary agent's email. John does keep a small stock of his recent books at home, but it is always recommended bookstores contact his publishers and order copies of his books which can later be returned if not sold.


John L. Flynn, Ph.D. has appeared on television multiple times, mostly featured as an expert commentator in short documentaries, (including a documentary about Star Wars on the Sci-Fi Channel, a featurette on collecting movie memorabilia for the HGTV channel, and a separate documentary about collecting James Bond 007 memorabilia on Russia's RTR Television). John is also featured, along with several other prominent science fiction writers, in Casey Moore's documentary Finding the Future: A Science Fiction Conversation (2004), and he has spoken on the radio and podcasts a number of times. One of John's favorite interviews was done with Rosanna Tufts for Blog Talk Radio in 2014; click here to listen to John's interview on "The Tufts Get Going" Radio Show on Perfect World Network Radio. To request an interview with John, please contact him through his email or his literary agent's email.

Writer's Organizations

John L. Flynn, Ph.D. is a member of Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA) and Mystery Writers of America (MWA). The mission of SFWA is to act as a professional organization, to enhance the prestige of writers in our genre, to deter fraud, and to give mutual aid and support to our professional dreams. Mystery Writers of America is the premier organization for mystery writers, professionals allied to the crime-writing field, aspiring crime writers, and those who are devoted to the genre. MWA is dedicated to promoting higher regard for crime writing and recognition and respect for those who write within the genre. Both organizations are non-profit organizations which support the efforts of its writers, and are well-worth the annual cost of dues. As an author of good standing, John can be contacted through both organizations.

Official Publicity Photo

For Press usage only

The Press are encouraged to download John's official, full sized high-resolution author photo for publicity purposes only.

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This site was last updated 6/15/24.